Year of Jewelry 2024 Finalists

8.12.2023 – 21.1.2024

Brilliance of Courage, Stories, and Colors

The works of the finalists particularly highlight courage, daring, and fearlessness. The jewelry also showcases the strong stories and personal experiences of the creators, as well as their symbolic meanings. The materials used in the jewelry include silver, gold-plated silver, and gemstones. Particularly, colorful and large gemstones shine in this year's final pieces, including the beautifully glowing Finnish spectrolite.

This year, the competition's patron is the Minister of Science and Culture, Sari Multala.


DAS LOTUS, Ralph Granroth (Espoo)
HÄIVÄHDYS, Pirjo Lakkapää (Kiiminki)
ILLUUSIO, Laura Bruun (Helsinki)
JUICY BY NATURE, Katja Luukkonen (Espoo)
KOMOREBI, Hanna Korhonen (Kuopio)
LOVELLA, Tiina Hälikkä (Jämsä)
MYRSKYLUODON MAIJA (STORMSKÄR'S MAJA), Maria Karlström (Maarianhamina)
RANTAPOLULLA, Saara Kinnunen (Helsinki)
ROIHU, Heini Hänninen (Kuopio)
TERRA, Taina Pelkonen (Oulu)

Finalists of the Year of Jewelry competition at the Finnish Watch and Jewelry Museum Kruunu, 7.12.2023-20.1.2024 Photographer: @ellinanoronen
Photography team:
Models: @jujuemerald and @pirhonenjenni
MUAH: @_juliadelli, @julesandberyl

The Year of Jewelry competition showcases excellent Finnish jewelry design and industry expertise, and raises awareness about the diversity and breadth of the industry's offerings. The competition seeks a jewelry series that speaks through skilled design language and makes an impression with its distinctive, unique design. The competition is held for the sixth time.

Vote for your favorite at:

A gemstone donated by Namu Jewellery (valued at 300€) will be raffled among those who vote. @namujewellery

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